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What are the best cheap laptops for a programmer?

It depends on what kind of programmer you are. For instance, for front-end or full-stack web developers, a basic laptop would do. But when it comes to application development, then the need for resources increases. For Machine Learning applications or Blockchain app development, powerful graphics processing capability is needed. Data scientists for instance, need a machine with a powerful dedicated GPU and 16 GB or 32 GB RAM.
As you are looking for the best yet cheap machine, I would suggest to check out HP ProBook 430 G8 Notebook PC which has the latest-gen Intel i5 CPU with Intel Iris X GPU. It is a good start for any type of programmer, and the price range is around ₹90,000. Howevder, if you’re into ML and Data science programming, then you should explore one of the Z by HP series of desktop or mobile workstations.
If you’re still confused, then check the blogs on Tech4Growth section on DQIndia’s website or the NextGenIT on CiOL’s website.

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